25. September 2020.
v.l.n.r. Christian Schneider (LIQUIND), David Brokholm (KP Logistik), Gabor Beyer (LIQUIND)
Quelle: LIQUIND 24/7 : https://www.liquind.com
We move your business
25. September 2020.
v.l.n.r. Christian Schneider (LIQUIND), David Brokholm (KP Logistik), Gabor Beyer (LIQUIND)
Quelle: LIQUIND 24/7 : https://www.liquind.com
23. September 2020.
Im brandenburgischen Wustermark betreibt LIQUIND in Kooperation mit KP Logistik bereits eine stationäre LNG-Tankstelle. Seit dem 23. September 2020 sind beide Unternehmen offiziell mit einer zweiten Tankstelle „am Netz“ – im mecklenburgischen Stavenhagen.
Bei noch deutlich sonnigerem Wetter haben wir zwischenzeitlich auch auf unserem Betriebshof in Stavenhagen die LNG-Tankstelle in Betrieb nehmen können. Ähnlich wie in Wustermark hat die Tankstelle eine Kapazität von 27 Tonnen und ist dank neuester technischer Ausstattung sowohl sicher als auch komfortabel in der Benutzung. Wie auf dem Foto zu sehen ist, ist auch bei der Erstbefüllung durch einen unserer LNG-Tanker alles gut gegangen und sowohl unsere Mitarbeiter als auch zahlreiche Fahrer von anderen Firmen konnten sich schon von der Funktionalität der Anlage überzeugen.
Wir wünschen Euch allen ein schönes Wochenende und natürlich allzeit gute Fahrt!
Quelle: LIQUIND 24/7 : https://www.liquind.com
Bocholt, February 12, 2020 – The logistics service provider KP-Logistik, which is active in Germany and Denmark, will optimize its order and fleet management with the TISLOG telematics solution. The focus is on the order-related consumption measurement of the vehicles operated with LNG, the exact recording and documentation of pallets and shipment status as well as the monitoring of driving and rest times. In addition to the company’s own fleet, the permanently used subcontractors are also to be integrated into the solution developed by TIS. TISLOG is connected to the Navision-based forwarding software used by KP-Logistik.
“TIS was the only provider that could offer us the measurement of the consumption of our trucks running on liquid gas,” emphasizes David Brokholm, one of the two managing directors of KP-Logistik. The first vehicles will be equipped with TIS telematics boxes in February, which will be connected to the CAN bus interface and the tachograph during a short workshop visit. In addition to the consumption and vehicle data, the boxes also receive the driving and rest times, which are sent to the TIS data center by mobile phone, where they are archived in a legally secure way and evaluated in relation to the order.
The entire fleet will be equipped with a telematics app developed by TIS running on Samsung tablets. The app is easy to configure and guides the driver step by step through the delivery process between order entry and delivery receipt. The drivers of the subcontractors are also connected to the telematics solution via app and tablet, which means that KP-Logistik can follow every order seamlessly.
With a total of 110 Scania R410s, KP-Logistik operates one of the largest fleets in Germany running with liquefied petroleum gas (LNG). Liquified natural gas is natural gas that has been cooled to around minus 165 degrees Celsius and is therefore liquefied. It has an energy density similar to that of conventional fuel. The driving behavior and performance of an LNG truck can be compared to that of a diesel truck. The main advantages of LNG include around 30 percent less noise and significantly lower emissions: In comparison to diesel, an LNG engine reduces CO2 emissions by 15 percent and generates 95 percent less particulate matter and 70 percent less nitrogen oxides.
4. September 2019.
Der Berliner Tankstellenbetreiber LIQUIND 24/7 hat seine dritte LNG-Tankstelle in Betrieb genommen. Die mobile Tankanlage wurde in Wustermark im westlichen Berliner Umland aufgestellt. Über die Anlage sollen 50 LNGbetriebene LKW der Firma KP Logistik betankt werden. Insgesamt hat die Firma, die bedeutende Kunden aus dem Lebensmitteileinzelhandel wie Netto ApS oder Norma beliefert, 110 LNG-LKW der Marke Scania bestellt. Neben Wustermark wurde im Frühjahr bereits am KP-Standort Stavenhagen eine LNG-Tankstelle der Firma LIQUIND 24/7 in Betrieb genommen.
„Durch die Belieferung unserer Filialen mit LNG-LKW können wir einen wertvollen Beitrag für den Umweltschutz leisten. Die Waren unserer Kunden können mit bis zu 20 % geringeren CO2-Emissionen und fast ganz ohne den Ausstoß von Motorenfeinstaub und Stickoxiden ausgeliefert werden“, freut sich Markus Ungruhe, Leiter Marketing beim Lebensmitteleinzelhändler Netto ApS & Co. KG.
„Das ist bereits unsere dritte Tankstelle in Deutschland und die zweite für KP Logistik. Wir sind sehr zufrieden mit dieser guten Zusammenarbeit“, lobt Christian Schneider, Geschäftsführer bei LIQUIND.
„Durch die Eröffnung der LNG-Tankstelle in Wustermark können wir nun alle unsere 100 LNG-LKW für unsere Auftraggeber in Betrieb nehmen“, so David Brokholm, Geschäftsführer bei KP Logistik.
Die LNG-Tankstelle in Wustermark ist öffentlich zugänglich und steht nach Absprache auch Fremdtankern zur Verfügung.
Personen auf dem Bild (v.l.n.r.): Wolfgang Markgraf, stv. Geschäftsführer KP Logistik, Christian Schneider, Geschäftsführer LIQUIND 24/7, Markus Ungruhe, Leiter Marketing Netto ApS & Co. KG, David Brokholm, Geschäftsführer KP Logistik
Quelle: LIQUIND 24/7 : https://www.liquind.com
Scania Deutschland hat seinen bisher größten Einzelauftrag zur Lieferung von LNG-Lkw in Deutschland erhalten.
Koblenz. Die Spedition KP Logistik mit Hauptsitz im mecklenburgischen Stavenhagen hat 100 Scania-Lkw vom Typ R 410 LNG bestellt. Wie Scania betont, handele es sich um den bislang größten Einzelauftrag dieser Art in Deutschland. Die Sattelzugmaschinen mit 410 PS starkem Sechszylinder-Gasmotor sollen demnach gleichmäßig auf die beiden KP Logistik-Standorte in Stavenhagen und Wustermark aufgeteilt und in der Lebensmittellogistik eingesetzt werden. Die ersten der 100 Sattelzugmaschinen sollen im Mai dieses Jahres an KP Logistik ausgeliefert werden, bis spätestens August soll die gesamte LNG-Flotte einsatzbereit sein.
Eigene Tankstellen geplant
Den Kraftstoff für die neuen Scania LNG bezieht KP Logistik anfangs aus einer mobilen LNG-Tankanlage, die Liquind aus Berlin bereitstellt. Zusätzlich ist der Aufbau einer Tankinfrastruktur an zwei neuen Standorten geplant. Bis zum Sommer soll jeweils eine feste LNG-Tankstelle im GVZ Wustermark und in Stavenhagen entstehen, die auch Fremdkunden nutzen können.
Zuschüsse ein gutes Argument für LNG
„Mit dem strategischen Kauf der LNG-Fahrzeuge wollen wir Vorreiter für mehr Umweltschutz sein und in der Speditionswelt ein Zeichen setzen“, begründet David Brokholm, Geschäftsführer KP Logistik, die Investition. Aber auch die Zuschüsse des Bundes beim Kauf, die Befreiung von der Lkw-Maut bis Ende 2020 sowie die Steuerermäßigung für Erdgas als Treibstoff bis 2026 hätten ihm die Entscheidung für die LNG-Technik enorm erleichtert.
Christian Hottgenroth, Direktor Verkauf Lkw bei Scania Deutschland Österreich, bestätigt den Trend zu Flüssiggas: „Seit der Entscheidung des Deutsches Bundestags, ab 1. Januar 2019 auch Gas betriebene Fahrzeuge von der Maut zu befreien, verzeichnen wir ein ständig steigendes Interesse an unseren LNG-Fahrzeugen.”
Quelle: Verkehrsrundschau.de: https://www.verkehrsrundschau.de/nachrichten/kp-logistik-schafft-100-lng-lkw-von-scania-an-2273927.html/1618332?fbclid=IwAR2g9Kmf1N0NGzRRGZrvEAnT3C1-eGYzP-CtaC_Mlnmnq3F3-_dRA5nh-7A
We are looking for a Professional Short Distance Driver in Stavenhagen, Wustermark and Køge.
KP Logistics is a third generation-led family business that deals exclusively in the transportation of foods. We drive predominantly from central food warehouses to individual supermarkets to ensure that the shelves remain stocked.
If you are interested or have a question, please call or send us an email. We welcome applications in PDF form via email.
Filip Borowicz
Telephone: +49 3323 4209-112
E-Mail: bewerbung@kp-logistik.de
KP Logistik Stavenhagen GmbH
Preetzer Straße 1
17153 Stavenhagen
KP Logistik Wustermark GmbH
Leipziger Straße 3
14641 Wustermark
We are looking for a Car Mechanic / Metal Worker and a Car Parts Mechanic for our Wustermark Cargo Centre
KP Logistics is a third generation-led family business that deals exclusively in the transportation of foods. We drive predominantly from central food warehouses to individual supermarkets to ensure that the shelves remain stocked.
If you are interested or have a question, please call or send us an email. We welcome applications in PDF form via email.
Filip Borowicz
HR Manager
Telephone: +49 3323 4209-112
E-Mail: bewerbung@kp-logistik.de
KP Logistik Wustermark GmbH
Leipziger Straße 3
14641 Wustermark
At this point, I would like to report on our apprentice turned vehicle mechanic and his long journey getting to this point.
As the son of a peanut farmer in Gambia, Demba’s education ended after primary school because going to high school was too expensive for a family that had many children. He therefore decided to save some money and look for education opportunities elsewhere. He wanted to travel to Libya with a friend of his. His father even sold part of his land to be able to give him around €100. He then began a journey at just 15 years old that would take him further than he planned.
On the way to Libya he was arrested in Mali and all of his possessions, including clothes and passport, were taken off him. His hard earned money was gone quicker than he had hoped. It was one month later that he was able to continue his journey onto Niger. Finally arriving in Libya, he found out that his travel companion, who he had just separated from, had been shot dead. Completely alone in a foreign land, without knowledge of the local language and with no money, he wanted to go home.
He tried to do this from Algeria but it was not possible as all of the borders had been closed. He then met other refugees, who took him to Morocco to look for work. Demba found himself in a form of work camp where he worked for his accommodation but did not earn money. He described this as the worst part of his journey as he was close to dying and was confronted with death every day. He could not stay there and “escaped” with several others over electrified barbed-wire fencing to the Spanish side of Morocco. They undertook this on several occasions while looking for work, until Demba, injured and completed exhausted, could not go on.
Arrested by the Police he was placed in refugee accommodation for 3 months in Barcelona. After that he lived on the streets until Maria helped him. He stayed at her apartment on several occasions. Showing compassion, she bought him a bus ticket to Berlin. He still has contact with her.
His journey ended in December 2013 in a camp on Oranienplatz. From then on things went up hill. He registered properly and obtained better accommodation. It was two years since his departure. In that time he was not able to speak to his family once. His Mother was so overwhelmed with happiness to hear from him that she collapsed. It was only at this point that he found out that he had travelled through war zones.
At a youth organisation he met a young woman who was volunteering. They got to know and love each other. As asylum rejection threatened, she did not want to let him go, so they planned their wedding. He was therefore able to stay and obtain the education that had started him on his way. He went to school in Berlin and gained an intermediate leaving certificate with good grades. He wanted to complete an apprenticeship in mechanics or electrics, like his older brother. In search of a company that was open to the world, he came into contact with KP Logistics at a job fair.
After the first meeting, he was so impressed that he moved house and turned down an employment opportunity in Berlin. We support him and now he is living in our student shared apartment in Stavenhagen. Several colleagues have mentioned that he is more than happy there. He likes the work, which he is continually learning, his colleagues and his mentor like him very much. In addition, his colleagues have taken him under their wing and have fully integrated him into the team. He has reached his goal and now dreams of getting his heavy duty vehicle license, for which we will gladly help him.